Monster Arcade senior MAME arcade machine on

Monster Arcade Sr.

I recently posted images of a tabletop arcade machine that I’ve build – the Monster Arcade Junior (link). This post contains the full size version of the machine, the Monster Arcade Senior. The arcade is an upright version and its primary use is for playing … Read more

Giana Sisters arcade game for the Apple TV 4

The Sisters are Back!

I recently did a post on the Steelseries Nimbus wireless controller for retro gaming on my new Apple TV 4. generation (link). In the review, I moaned a bit about the great game of Giana Sisters not being ported to the Apple TV yet and that … Read more

Steelseries Nimbus Wireless Controller for playing games on the AppleTV. Hardwrae review on

Nimbus Controller

Looking into a modern day game controller may seem a little off compared to what are usually the general topics of Nevertheless, as I enjoy the occasional arcade inspired shooter or platform game on my Apple devices, I thought that I would give the Steelseries … Read more

Monster Arcade Jr. MAME arcade machine with Happ Standard buttons and Sanwa JLW-UM-8 joysticks

Monster Arcade Jr.

I finally found the time to complete my old school tabletop arcade machine project which has been waiting for me in a corner of the basement for quite some time. It started out as a MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) based arcade machine but ended up containing a … Read more

LEGO arcade machine made from LEGO bricks. Awesome office gadget

LEGO Arcade Machine

A couple of days ago I got a bag of LEGO’s from a friend. However, there was no assembly manual in the bag. This is what I was facing: As I had no idea how the pieces should be put together I decided to just – … Read more

Arcade inspired coat hanger using arcade joystick and buttons

The Arcade Coat Hanger

I have been thinking how to make arcade inspired arts and craft. This is what I have come up with so far… Arcade inspired coat hangers! The coat hangers are all build from MDF boards or laminated chipboards using some 16 or 22 mm T-molds on the edges. … Read more

Woody fight stick II arcade fight stick made from oak wood using Seimitsu buttons and Sanwa joysticks

The Woody Fight Stick II

Some time ago I decided to make another fight stick from my arcade spare parts. You can’t ever get enough fight sticks, so why not make another one for the collection… The stick is build from an oak shelve that I glued together and oiled … Read more