Green Short Boards

…and a yellow longboard have been added to my collection of Commodore 64 motherboards. The yellow Assy 250425 Revision B longboard is in really great shape. It has a MOS 8500 MPU which is quite unusual for the long boards. Normally they have MOS 6510 … Read more

More C64 Repair Logs

During the last couple of weeks I’ve received 8 (!) broken Commodore 64 machines that were in need of repair. The repair logs of three of them have already been described here (link), while the latter five had issues ranging from faulty Serial Ports (link, link, link), … Read more

Broken C64’s Repaired

I just got this stack of broken and badly discolored Commodore 64C’s from a friend. The cases were made in China, Hong Kong and Germany… The first board is an Assy 250469 Rev. A board that had a broken keyboard – some of the keys … Read more

Commodore 64 Project SIDFX sound mod. Swapping between SID chip files by flicking a switch. Read more on

The SIDFX Sound Mod

The semi analog SID chip (Sound Interface Device) is an electronic music synthesizer and its distinctive sounds are easily recognized by any Commodore 64 owner. Back in the days, most SID tunes ended up in games or demos to basically support the graphics on the … Read more

Switchless Reset Mod. Arduino Pro Mini used for doing warm and cold resets withour the need to drill a hole in the cabinet. Read the review and retrieve the Arduino code on

Switchless Reset Mod

Turning the Commodore 64 off and on every time it needs to be reset, may eventually cause the power switch to malfunction or even put unnecessary stress on the fragile chips. Because of this, people have been installing reset switches for years using a momentary … Read more